Saturday, June 23, 2007

Car Wash Exploits

Hubby n I took our car to the car wash last evening. Congratulations to us and to our car!

Before I tell you 'bout the travails at the car wash, lemme tell you 'bout our car, or rather, 'bout the (layers of) dirt and dust on our car. Now, the layers of dirt and dust on our car are like one fold of icing on top of another... I know that sounds too far-fetched, but I love exaggerating. It's a habit I love to keep. Please bear with me. Icing, mmmm... I love icing. Do you? I love chocolate fudge icing the most... Ok, let's not get carried off by sinful thoughts of icing (am trying to shed kilos, remember?)... 'Bout the dirt and dust... to make matters short (and yawwwwn!) and interesting, our car is very dirty and dusty.

When I say the car is dirty and dusty, I must say, it's very dirty and dusty.

We, well, get it washed, let's say, once a month, if the car's lucky. Once in one-and-a-half months definitely! No two ways 'bout that! We're that particular 'bout having a clean car, you know.

So, we drive up into the short queue (q-u-e-u-e... had to think a li'l on that spelling... hmm...), we were third. It's around quarter past nine in the night. We have a hunch the attendant is desperately trying to (peacefully) finish his duty shift.

Attendant looks at the car and did a double take. No doubt, at the car 'besprinkled' with 'earthy deposits'... that's as euphemistic as I can be. Can't get any vaguer than that. The poor guy took one long look at our car and walked stony faced towards the comparatively, and most certainly, cleaner one right in front of us. He had this look that said 'Why me?!' . At this point, I'm tempted to giggle. You too may.

Hubby speculated: Depressed/Desperate Attendant might while away the remaining time in the restroom and just wait till the next attendant turns up for duty. Anything to avoid our car!

Depressed/Desperate Attendant shuffles over to the manager's cabin, casting one more sideways glance towards our car. Maybe wondering how to add on some bells n whistles to his complaint.

We were half expecting to see the manager storming out of his cabin and rushing to us to give us a lecture on how to keep a car as clean as possible when brought to the car wash. And perhaps even give us a helpful hint or two 'bout spraying the car with some water to soak all the dirt and dust before being brought to the car wash.

But no! There's no manager! Yippee! We escaped this time!

Soon, it's our turn to wheel in to the wash area ('soon', because the other cars have much lesser dirt than ours). The attendant comes over and we hand him the charges, bracing up for a round of reprimands. But, again, we are let off!

And before long, the car's looking spanking new and squeaky clean!

Until the next trip to the car wash...


Sir James Eric Watkins said...

Write poetry?

Join us for a poetic experience of sights and sounds:

Anonymous said...

offer to become a poet? wowo.. usha way to go..

Anonymous said...

hey do you take bath regularly?

My Verbal Diarrhoea said...

Poet? Ahem!

Thaaaankyu, chriz! (I'll give the autograph later) :D

My Verbal Diarrhoea said...

Do I take bath regularly?! Well, 'regularly' is a very relative word you know... ;>